Sitemap - 2024 - City Hall Watcher

2024: the year in charts

Council's chaotic Christmas meeting

City councillors get scored and shuffled

SmartTrack flunks further, Ombudsman versus City Manager, and let's do the mid-term shuffle

Don't blame bikes: an intersectional analysis of what really causes Toronto traffic

Police budget on the rise, rideshare licenses may get capped (again), Hotel X2 faces uncanny delay

Lobbyists bring the noise and perhaps the funk

'Tis the season for another police budget debate

Police celebrate hiring plan, City trucks recommended for retrofit, a plan for safe shelters

Council attempts to cycle through bike lane blockage

Council opposes Ford's bike lane busting bill, renoviction rules coming, Don Trail problems

How many people commute by bike in Toronto? More than Doug Ford thinks

How Don Valley West was won, Mayor fights Ford, Council funds FIFA, police review use of force

Election stressing you out? Try the soothing sounds of Lobbyist Watch

The slow process to snap streetcar door speedsters

Doug Ford says he wants data on bike lanes — the good news is we've got lots

Ford blocks bike lanes, glossy plans for the economy and culture, water meters break bad

After some turbulence, Council lands on airport compromise

Island airport gets some runway, vacant tax isn't vacated, AG finds parks staff parked

Three hundred issues, more lobbyists

Constructive feedback on Toronto's construction

Doug Ford has a tunnel vision, TTC cuts the wifi, City Hall posts surplus

Taking a drive through a very congested City Hall calendar

A pedestrian surge on the waterfront

City Hall's looming renoviction decision — and the brewing police budget battle sequel

Dead animal pick-up, the beginnings of the police budget, and the value of old buildings

Live Nation lobbyists play the hits at City Hall

Trash bin inspectors, Rogue RVs and additional avenues

Toronto City Hall's Committee of Adjustment could use some adjustment

A quiet revolution for safer and cheaper bike infrastructure

Railing against the rail path, and City Hall's island airport debate prepares for takeoff

The 2024 Council Power Rankings

Lobbyists fight taxes and uplift the airport

Council scorecard goes for gold

Council speeds on the Gardiner, sails on electric ferries and weathers the storm

Sun's out, Council's in — and ready to debate the Gardiner, the Science Centre, and rats

Executive Committee executive summary

Lobbying leads to by-election reunion

A wooden building, a Quayside proposal, our solo city, and a troubling office market report

They blinded us with the Science Centre

Council backs rentals, fights renovictions, and goes forward with Sankofa

Council's in for summer

Olivia Chow's opposition rises in the west

EHON and beyond — what's next for Toronto housing policy

TTC spares us a strike

Lobbying is a Virtue (and a Morgan Rielly)

Council allows density, bans e-scooters and fights Ford

Toronto City Hall embraces its density

Paying a minimum for maximum security

Toronto Council gets set for major debate about major streets

Toronto City Hall's biggest road warriors

Pieces of April lobbying

Toronto City Hall keeps on trucking, but should it?

Unbreak my vacant home tax

Blue bins get sold, more parks get beer, and the vacant home tax gets fixed — maybe

A trio of charts, with some help from AI

Vacant tax crowds Council's agenda

Walking on the Sunshine List

City Hall's lobbyists spring forward

Bye-bye parking, hello housing?

Booze in parks didn't bring about the apocalypse — what's next?

Toronto's next chief planner will need a plan

The 411 on the 311, and what was broken in Toronto in 2023

Intersecting interests all across Toronto

City Hall's not-so-wild spring break

Lobbied about the levy but the levy was dry

Kicking and screaming our way to the World Cup

Checking the score after Olivia Chow's first budget

City Hall hunts for cash in vast parking lots

Mayor Olivia Chow budges a bit on her budget

Mayor Olivia Chow's first budget is in the books — here's what's next

Police budget comes down to The Wire

This week: printing costs. Next week: a $17 billion budget.

The hot fuzz on police budget lobbying

Council toboggans toward budget time

90s nostalgia, Toronto city budget edition

Toronto Budget 2024 (Olivia's Version) drops next week

What the dickens is going on with transit construction costs?

City Hall revs up for annual budget deputation derby

The 2024 Budget Launch Spectacular

Toronto's 2024 budget comes to your windrow

2023: the year in LOBBYIST WATCH

A noisy start to a new year at Toronto City Hall

The City Hall Watcher interview with Mayor Olivia Chow